Food is our common ground a universal experience...
-James Beard-

-- Melissa & Stefan | founder --
Since 2004 (Melissa) and 1998 (Stefan) both have been working as chefs and grown their knowledge and passion for food. Melissa and Stefan met 2005 for the first time, both were working in the famous Savoy Hotel in London. Melissa was working at the Garde manger aka cold kitchen.
Stefan was working at the saucier section aka hot kitchen. It was in amazing time with lots of experience, hard work in a great environment. Surrounded by passionate chef´s from around the globe, our insights of preparation and traditions grown enormously.
We believe that food and its origin become nowadays more important than ever, everything you eat becomes a part of you. The things we put in and on our body are playing an essential role for our wellbeing. And can either support or drain our immune system. Organic produce close to nature as possible combined with a well-balanced diet and a positive attitude towards life are vital to thrive.
We have to preserve classic food preparations, respect our animals and maintain an healthy environment to grow our foods for future generation. We believe in food close to nature, that why we produce everything we can from scratch and avoid processed ingredients.
real food, real ingredients...